Career pathways | HGTWA

A suite of occupational and pathway guides and a website have been produced by FutureNow to present career pathways information to prospective learners interested in employment in the hospitality field.

FutureNow and Tourism WA are also working with Hospitality Group Training (HGT) to deliver the Chef Ambassador Program – young chefs visit high schools and present to students who are currently studying hospitality courses to help inspire them into undertaking a career as a chef. The overarching aim of these projects is to impact the decision makers in a young person’s life to consider occupations in this sector.

Career pathways | HGTWA

A suite of occupational and pathway guides and a website have been produced by FutureNow to present career pathways information to prospective learners interested in employment in the hospitality field.

FutureNow and Tourism WA are also working with Hospitality Group Training (HGT) to deliver the Chef Ambassador Program – young chefs visit high schools and present to students who are currently studying hospitality courses to help inspire them into undertaking a career as a chef. The overarching aim of these projects is to impact the decision makers in a young person’s life to consider occupations in this sector.