School based apprenticeships and traineeships are a fantastic way for students to gain valuable work & life experiences, earn money and gain a formal qualification, all whilst completing their high school education.

Students attend the workplace one day a week, Training College one day a week and spend 3 days at school.

What are the benefits of employing a School-based Apprentice?

  • Employing a School-based Apprentice gives you the chance to employ keen young staff before they graduate from high school
  • Employ and train a young person part-time in your business
  • Meet the current and future skills needs of your business
  • Develop a valuable staff member who builds knowledge of your business
  • Give a young person realistic exposure to your sector and related careers
  • Allow young people to progress to a full-time traineeship or apprenticeship after completing school with recognition of the training already undertaken
  • School based apprentices are also a cost effective way of employing staff
HGT Trainee Employment | Western Australia

School based apprenticeships and traineeships are a fantastic way for students to gain valuable work & life experiences, earn money and gain a formal qualification, all whilst completing their high school education.

Students attend the workplace one day a week, Training College one day a week and spend 3 days at school.

What are the benefits of employing a School-based Apprentice?

  • Employing a School-based Apprentice gives you the chance to employ keen young staff before they graduate from high school
  • Employ and train a young person part-time in your business
  • Meet the current and future skills needs of your business
  • Develop a valuable staff member who builds knowledge of your business
  • Give a young person realistic exposure to your sector and related careers
  • Allow young people to progress to a full-time traineeship or apprenticeship after completing school with recognition of the training already undertaken
  • School based apprentices are also a cost effective way of employing staff  (HGT absorb all hourly on- costs)
HGT Trainee Employment | Western Australia